UW-Madison Russian Flagship Program




Jacob Aehl


1336 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Drive
Madison, Wisconsin 53706
United States


  • Russian


The University of Wisconsin-Madison Russian Flagship Program is a federally funded program that provides opportunities for undergraduate students of any major to reach a professional level of competence in Russian by graduation. The program not only strives to increase students’ Russian language proficiency and intercultural competencies, but also links students’ intensive language study with their other academic interests and professional aspirations. The program welcomes applications from undergraduates of all majors and at any level of prior experience in Russian.
Students on the Russian Flagship participate in an intensive program of study that includes advanced coursework at UW-Madison, individual and group tutoring, co-curricular programming, and two stints of study abroad, a pre-capstone program and a capstone academic year abroad in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The program also offers generous scholarship funding for domestic intensive summer Russian programs and study abroad.

Program Overview: https://russianflagship.wisc.edu/about/overview/

Admissions: https://russianflagship.wisc.edu/future-students/admissions/